Friday, December 3, 2010


Friday Finds... ykaihori

Interview # 53
Today I want to introduce you to the beautiful landscape paintings of a very talented Japanese artist known as Yukari, from ykaihori on Etsy! A long while ago when I posted in the Etsy forums about interview, I didn't look back for a bit as I had a lot to do here are home and also I had a non Friday Finds feature that I wanted to post on one of the weeks, of which I did last week. I checked back however a few days ago and one of the sellers that had asked for a feature was Yukari and I'm really glad to be featuring their work here today as I just love discovering Artists that are to become new intrigues of mine :) I'm loving loads of the paintings designed by Yukari, especially the urban landscapes. I never would have guessed that these paintings were done in oils as the technique looks similar to watercolor paintings! Amazing! Yukari's busy life has made a fascinating read for me, and a true journey that I am excited to share today. Here is Yukari's interview!

(Just click the images to go direct to the listings)

-- Tell me a bit about you! (Name, Age, Location, and give us a random fact whilst you're at it.) Hi, my name is Yukari Kaihori. I am a Japanese painter (age. 30) currently in Kyoto, Japan. I love being outdoors and in the mountains! Also, I cannot live without good dark chocolate.

-- What is your business about then? Original oil paintings and prints. Because of the technique I use with oil, the paintings look like watercolor. I work on abstract landscape with oil on paper.

-- How did Etsy come into your life? I was reading American Designer’s blog “Artist's who Blog” by Stephanie Levy one day when I was in London, thinking to start up a Blog to promote my works. Her blog had a small Etsy showcase windows on the side. I was like "what is this little thing?" And the link led me to Etsy.
I created my shop right away.

-- Are you working a day job too? Yes, but not now since I am in transition from London - Japan - and hopefully back to London sometimes next year.

After graduating school in Oregon with BA in Studio Art, I came back to Japan and started working as an English teacher. It was a full time job but gave me enough time to paint on the side. Then I changed my job and worked for a corporate. Working hours became so hectic that I had no time to do anything else.
After 5 years, I saved some money and quit my job, decided to do what I been wanted to do for the recent years when I was in the office.
I traveled to New Zealand and Australia hiking for about 3 months spending a lot of time in the mountains and camping. Then, I flied to London took some art courses, got my studio and I have painting for the past 6 months.

Meanwhile, I set up my shop on Etsy. It's been a year since I departed on this journey.

-- How long has the artist in you been 'unleashed' for? As a child, I always liked putting my hands on material like clay, cookie dough, or anything. I just get sucked into making things and forget how time flies when I enjoy the process of creation.

Years later, I chose to go to University in the USA because I wanted to study International Affair (since I wanted to make the world better place) up until the last minute during the 3rd year in Uni. I then changed it to Studio Art (I guess I followed my heart).

-- What has been the inspiration behind your business? I have noticed that many people buy original fine art works on the internet. I believe a marketplace like Etsy that connect people from all over the world would change/save the small art business!

For more fine artists like me, it gives a great space online to share works. During the 6 months of staying London, I tried to find a gallery but I had no luck.
The majority of galleries in Japan require fees for artists to rent space. Instead of having an exhibition once or twice a year, I can always show people what I am making on Etsy and website.

-- If you could describe your products in three words, what would you tell me? Joyful, translucent, contemporary

-- What would an average working day for you be like from dawn til dusk? For now, my day to day schedule is very different.
9am: I check my e-mails. Update blogs/ edit some imagings.
10-Noon: Stretch papers (for under coating) and let them dry ( takes a whole day)
1pm-3pm Helping friends' small online shop by taking photos, editing images on the web, shipping them and some administrative work.
4pm or 5pm- when I paint in the studio, I spend 3-8 hours there.

-- What's your favourite material and techniques to work with? Since 6 month ago, I started working with oil painting on paper and it's been a great change from acrylics.

-- What is your ideal vision for the future for you and your work? I have tons of exciting ideas for painting.
I started working on bigger, more abstract, mix media pieces. Ideally, I would like to secure a gallery for exhibition in Japan and hopefully overseas (fingers crossed!) for annual show. (I will move anywhere if I can put my work out!)

In addition to that, wherever I would be, I would like to keep putting some of my original works on Etsy. I like to make small original paintings on paper for so it is more purchasable.

I like to have original fine art works to become more accessible for everyone (meaning price is reasonable and sizing is small enough to handle overseas).
Ideal vision is -- one can buy a small painting for friend's birthday (not a wedding) and everyone to have original paintings at home!!

I also would like to do more studying and looking into programs.

-- Away from work, what do you like to do for fun or to wind down? I love to go for a run. I run for races sometimes. Running by the river, or sometimes I try a different street and I discover some shops or places I have never seen in the neighborhood. Also I like to go for a days hiking or longer in the warmer season! I guess winter is the best time to concentrate in the studio.
Besides from that, I love baking yummy treats.

-- What are you likely to search for on Etsy? “Ykaihori”
This is my shop name. I didn't think much at all and created random words when I made it and later notice I cannot change this!

-- Any last words? Thank you for reading! Please come visit my shop and let me know what you think.
Website :
Etsy Shop:

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