Good Evening, and apologies for the lateness of this one! It's been a crazy Saturday of folk music, painted faces, knitting and morris dancers at my local annual folk festival so blogging so far has been impossible until now! I managed to get an app the other day to see if I could give blogging on the go a try (which I am yet to of course), but I am hoping it'll mean I can blog at the frequency I used to before my year became a blur!
But for now I want to share my feature on zen25!
BESTeam MosaicAll items are clickable and will take you directly to Zen25's listings... It's really nice to revisting the store Zen25 by Maureen from Fort Worth TX, as I had actually found some of her work recently when creating a
BESTeam treasury and fell in love with the unusual style of her creations. It's lovely reading her profile again considering how admirable her sense of strength is, as her work was born from the need to cope with the coming tradgedy in her family, which has since become a stronghold of positive energy that she filters her creativity and personality into. So much so, that they are lovingly named "Release me Creations". And they are stunning pieces indeed.
There is something almost abstract about her jewelry, in a way that is still realistic but with these quirky hints of flair, be it something glamourous or punk, gothic or retro, and many other touches of different styles that make the uniqueness of her jewelry stand out all the more. No piece is alike not just in appearence, but in essence. And I think it's great that the work is so versatile as I know the pieces themselves would be for their owners when it comes to accessorizing.
She has a blog which is almost a double of her store in both beauty and interesting content. and worht a visit if you are looking for a cool
new blog to follow! I particularly enjoyed her recent post about her shop inspirations! :) those of you with a passion for handmade, and you have a blog that is in need of a consistant weekly post to drive your traffic and help fellow artisans by doing the same. Come and join the BESTeam!